For Student

We want you to secure employment, find your place and feel like an important part of life in Eastern Finland. We will help you get to know Finnish working life, build networks, learn the language, and find internships, jobs and business opportunities. Our goal is for you to feel at home and grow your roots in Eastern Finland.

Services for students

MOOC Towards Working Life in Eastern Finland

With the help of the bilingual online course, international students strengthen their working life skills and learn to talk about their competence from the perspective of working life in Eastern Finland. We develop course sections for the needs of different fields and organise face-to-face classes and workshops.

Further information:
Sami Tanskanen, UEF,

Mentoring programme

An annually recurring mentoring programme helps international students get to know Finnish working life and build their networks. The mentors are working life professionals from several different fields in Eastern Finland. Mentoring is carried out in small groups, which guarantees the opportunity to participate for as many international students as possible. The first application process for students for mentoring started in October 2023, and the mentor groups started meetings in January 2024. Application process and programme schedule for year 2024-2025 will be published soon.

Further information:
Marko Pietilä, UEF,
Minna Tarvainen, Savonia UAS,

Finnish language learning

We test different models that promote Finnish language learning in studies, internships, and work. We combine language learning with subject studies in cooperation between the subject teacher and the Finnish language teacher. We are developing the Kielikamu model during studies, in which students who speak Finnish help international students use the language in their everyday studies. We define job-specific language requirements to support practical training and offer personalised language support. We will launch language pilots in early 2024 and develop them annually based on the feedback received.

Further information:
Virpi Moilanen, UEF,

Company team

The company team offers employers an easy way to find experts from different fields at different levels of education, get to know international students and find a skilled workforce. The company team contacts companies and searches for student jobs (e.g. projects, theses, fairs, and events), internships and part-time jobs. The development of operations will begin in January 2024.

Further information:
Sanna Jeskanen, Karelia UAS,
Johanna Taavitsainen, Savonia UAS,

Solution-oriented study counselling

We look for the best and most efficient way for students from different educational and
competence backgrounds to find employment with solution-oriented study counselling. The study and career counsellors of the educational institutions meet to solve an immigrant’s study path that is most likely to lead to employment. The first customers will be included in the service in 2024.

Further information:
Juhani Lantto, Savo Vocational College,

Recognition of professional competence

It is often challenging for an international expert to succeed in job searching because it is difficult to put one’s skills into words due to insufficient Finnish. Professional competence may remain hidden in a job interview if it cannot be communicated fluently. Recognition of professional competence indicates what kind of tasks and work environments the applicant can cope with independently and where he or she needs help. It distinguishes between work skills and Finnish language skills. The models of recognition of professional competence will be introduced in cooperation with the solution-oriented study counselling in 2024.

Further information:
Pauliina Korhonen, Savo Vocational College,

Recruitment and networking events for students and employers

We will organise, in cooperation with our stakeholders, different kinds of recruitment and networking events.

Further information:
Johanna Taavitsainen, Savonia UAS,

Entrepreneurial path for international experts

Our goal is to increase the support provided by educational institutions, improve access to easy-to-read information and develop students’ entrepreneurial skills through personal guidance and entrepreneurship sparring, for example. We also offer support for entrepreneurs who have already started business operations in business management and development. Concrete services include the development of a virtual peer group, the provision of continuous learning services and group visits to participating companies. Student recruitment will begin in January 2024.

Further information:
Heikki Immonen, Karelia UAS,